Pieta House
Feeling Suicidal
You are not the first person to feel suicidal. Everyone at some time in their life can feel suicidal. But you must realise that you do not want to die – you just want to stop the feelings and the pain.
It is important to be aware that these negative feelings and pain are only temporary. Often they come and go, but in some cases we allow ourselves to brood on them. The good news is that with the help of Pieta House, your family and your friends, you can move on from suicidal thoughts to wonderful thoughts of life.
There are three areas of your life that we will look at:
Your Physical Self
- Are you eating healthily?
- Are you sleeping well?
- Are you physically active?
Your Emotional Self
- Are you in a significant relationship or have you just finished one?
- Do you have a network of support from family and friends?
- Are you known or involved in your community?
Your Fulfilled Self
- Are you unemployed?
- Are you in a job that you hate or gives you no satisfaction?
- Is there purpose to your day?
- Are you challenged or stretched?
- Do you give back to your community?

Usually when none of these needs are being met, it is common to feel suicidal.
How does Therapy work in Pieta?
Sometimes we can feel down due to weather, tiredness, after an illness, or we can react to something that is happening in our life. Once we can identify what is making us feel down then we can do something about it or talk about it to someone.
First of all, the Client comes in for an assessment and assigned to a Therapist mos suited to their needs. Thus begins an intensive input of therapy.
The Counsellor starts by building up a rapport and a relationship with the Client and encourages the person to attend our Centre frequently. All sessions are run on a one-to-one basis. During the next four to six weeks the client will work closely with the Therapist who will endeavour to lift the suicidal ideation, remove negative despairing thoughts and exchanges reasons for dying with reasons for living.
There is no need for a psychiatric referral or a note from your GP, just ring the number below to make an appointment. We pride ourselves on our waiting time. We will see that you get an appointment as soon as possible.
Information for Families
Something you have seen or heard in this person is causing you to be concerned. They might have isolated themselves, their personality might have changed insofar as they have become more withdrawn, or their performance in school or work has changed. They might have talked about death.
Don’t be afraid to ask “Are you Suicidal”. They will either say yes or no, and actually, we have discovered at Pieta House that people are relieved that they are asked this question. At last, its out in the open – they can share their fears.
It is understandable that you might feel great fear and not know what to do next. Involving familiy and friends is crucial as this person needs an Army of Support for the next while. It is too heavy a burden for one person to carry alone.
Family Support
The family is our home link with the distressed individual – we see the family as the most important part of ongoing therapy. They are at the frontline of their loved one’s distress.
The family needs to be educated firstly so that they can help, but also to remove their own fear. We have found that family members become paralysed with fear when they discover that their loved one is suffering from severe depression and suicidal ideation. By teaching them and explaining to them about depression, we aim to demystify the problem and empower them to help.
The family also needs ongoing support and help. As a result, it if is wanted, the family will be assigned to a Support Therapist. They will provide support on a weekly basis and be available by telephone on a daily basis during the entire time of the client’s recovery.
Availing of Family Therapy in Pieta House is also COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE.
Find your nearest Pieta House
Email Support: mary@pieta.ie
Head Office
Pieta House, Lucan
Lucan Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin
Phone: 01-6010000
Centre Manager: Avril Mansouri
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 2pm
Pieta House Ballyfermot
Mount La Salle, Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10
Phone: 01-6200020
Centre Manager: Noeleen Devlin
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 10am to 8pm
Saturday: 10am to 3pm
Pieta House Finglas
47 Mellowes Court, Finglas, Dublin 11
Phone: 01-8648899
Centre Manager: Linda Murray
Opening Hours:
Monday: 5.30pm to 9.30pm
Tuesday: 10am to 2pm
Wednesday: 2pm to 6pm
Thursday: 9am to 2pm
Saturday: 10am to 2pm
Pieta House Tallaght
St Thomas’s Church, Jobstown, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Phone: 087-9368633
Centre Manager: Enda Dowling
Opening Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9am to 6pm
Wednesday: 9am to 1pm
Pieta House Midwest
Ardaulin, Mungret, Limerick
Phone: 061-484444
Centre Manager: Nora Conway
Opening Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9am to 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 9am to 8pm
Saturday: 10am to 2pm
Pieta House Roscrea
The Glebe, Ballyhall, Roscrea, Tipperary
Phone: 0505-22568
Centre Manager: Noeleen Devlin
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 10am to 2pm