The Women’s Therapy Centre

Psychotherapy for individual women

The Women’s Therapy Centre is an agency set up to provide a specialist service that responds to the particular needs and experiences of women clients. Our core service is the provision of accessible psychotherapy and counselling for women.

What is psychotherapy?

A therapist will listen thoughtfully, in confidence and without judgment, to your feelings, needs and life experience.
Our therapists work with a wide range of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, bereavement and stress-related problems. We have a particular understanding of the trauma of childhood and adult abuse, with years of experience supporting women to talk about and recover from the emotional consequences of relationships in which they have suffered violation.

We emphasise honesty, openness, understanding and compassion, in the context of a respectful and caring therapeutic relationship which supports each woman to be who she truly is, rather than who others expect her to be.

Our hope – and our experience – is that the therapeutic work brings healing of past hurt and the strength and courage to move forward towards a full, satisfying life with a deeper sense of self-confidence

The clinical approach of therapists working at the WTC is psychodynamic, person-centred and feminist. The emphasis is on building trustful and respectful working relationships with clients.

The ethos and therapeutic practice at the WTC is particularly informed by the work of Jean Baker Miller and her colleagues of the Stone Centre, Wellesley, U.S.A. In 1977, this group of women psychiatrists and psychotherapists began focusing specifically on women clients; they listened to what their clients were telling them, critiqued available theories of human behaviour (which they argued were based on male behaviour), listened to each other and listened to the ideas of other feminist writers.

From this process grew the therapeutic approach that is currently called Relational-Cultural Theory, an approach that values all relationships and views psychological ill health as the result of chronic disconnection in relationships, within a culture that over-values power and independence. Relational-Cultural Theory is currently significant because it has emerged as the first sophisticated theory of human behaviour that has its origins firmly in the experiences of women.


Short-term counselling – 8 sessions

Longer-term psychotherapy – 30 sessions


Short-term group therapy – 8 sessions

Longer-term group therapy – 30 sessions

Model of Service Provision at WTC,

The Women’s Therapy Centre provides a consultation and training service for agencies responding to women clients, in particular women experiencing and recovering from all forms of abuse in adult relationships. These services include management supervision, front-line practice supervision, team development work and training.

Management & Practitioner Supervision

Supervision Information Sheet_WTC 2012

Team Development

Team Development Information Sheet_WTC 2012

*** PLEASE NOTE: As of April 2013 we are temporarily closing the waiting list for the psychotherapy service at the WTC. We continue to work to expand our service and we aim to re-open the waiting list in approximately 4 months time. Please keep an eye on our website.  For anyone already on the waiting list, we are committed to responding to you as soon as we can.***

If you would like to arrange an appointment for a Clinical Consultation with a therapist, phone Claire between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Thursday, and between 10am and 1pm on a Friday, at 01 676 9924.

On the weekend or at times during the week, you may get through to our answering machine – you are welcome to leave a message and Claire will return your call. Please leave a clear message with your name and your contact phone number. Thank you.

Non-salaried to €20,000                                  Fee of €8 – €20

Low salaried €20,000 – €34,000                     Fee of €25

Medium salaried €35,000 – €50,000                Fee of €45

High salaried €50,000 – €70,000                       Fee of €65

Very high salaried €70,000 +                            Fee of €85

Therapeutic Practice_WTC 2012