Competitions Booklet 2021

We are delighted to launch the ICA Competitions for 2021. Guilds and members are encouraged to get involved and try out a new competition this year.

Staying in touch in Level 5

Please stay in touch with Central Office by writing an email to Anna Sinnott or Rebecca Ryan You can also write a letter to 58 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Check out our Facebook page too

Anyone for drama?

Feeling fed up and weary of the “New Normal”? Why not get together on Zoom and read some sketches and short plays? We can have a laugh and it’s great to see new faces albeit on the screen, and meet with other ICA members from around the country.   It will lift your spirits. It […]

Winners of extra competition announced…

Congratulations and well done to the winners in the Extra competitions due to Covid-19. These competitions were for designing Brochures, Leaflets and Newsletters for Federations and Guilds. Winning entries as follows: -Federation Brochure …… won by Sophia Whyte, Kildallan Guild, Cavan Federation. -Guild Leaflet …… won by Margaret Lafferty, Finn Valley Guild, Donegal Federation. -Newsletter…. […]

ALDI National Brown Bread Competition 2020, in association with the National Ploughing Association and the Irish Countrywomen’s Association.

ALDI National Brown Bread Competition 2020 in association with the National Ploughing Association and the Irish Countrywomen’s Association Congratulations to all the participants who took part in the Brown Bread competition this year. Due to circumstances beyond control, the competition took place in a different format to other years. The 4 finalists were: Marie McCarthy […]

Tea Dance Cancelled in Mallow

Unfortunately the Tea Dance scheduled to take place in Mallow on 26th September 2020 has been cancelled due to the restrictions around social gathering.

The National Brown Bread Baking Competition 2020

The Irish Countrywomen’s Association are delighted to be part of The National Brown Bread Competition, in association with Aldi Ireland and the National Ploughing Association (NPA). Entrants may only enter once. Entry to the competition is free. The prizes are as follows: 1st Place: A prize fund of €15,000 2nd Place: €1,000 Aldi Shopping Vouchers 3rd Place :  €500 Aldi Shopping […]

Winners announced for the Inter-Federation Cup for Crafts!

The results for Inter-Federation Cup for Crafts are in. Craft: “A Cover for a Sewing machine” — Any medium. 1st Prize – Betting Denning, Cross Guild Cavan Federation 2nd Prize – Rebecca Palmer, Cappamore Guild Limerick Federation 3rd Prize – Carol McKay, Drumboylan Guild Roscommon Federation Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank […]

Blackberry Hearing offer Free online hearing test

You can now check your hearing loss on line with Blackberry hearing. Find a quiet place, connect a pair of earphones and follow the instructions after you click on the link below