Rally call to Sew Scrubs for Ireland

National President’s call for Expressions of interest to sew scrubs for Ireland. Dear members, I have been in discussion for some days about a project – Sew Scrubs for Ireland – which may be of interest to some of our talented ICA women at this time. The idea grew from discussion with Sinead Lawlor, who, with her colleagues […]

A few extra competitions to keep you occupied during Covid 19

A  FEW EXTRA COMPETITIONS TO KEEP YOU OCCUPIED DURING COVID -19   Federation Brochure     Design and create an Information Brochure to promote your Federation.  It should be A4 size or smaller. Both sides of the sheet can be used in any format.  Brochure can include non-personal photos, logos, drawings, charts etc. but no personal […]

Message from the National President during Covid 19

Message from the National President – Josephine Helly Dear fellow Member, As we move to the next phase of these extraordinary times, it is more important than ever to maintain and share the activities that make the bonds among our ICA Guild members so strong. At National level, we are committed to maintaining as much […]

Staying in touch: We want to hear from you!

A couple of ways of staying in touch during Covid 19: Writing competition: What is your favourite memory in ICA? We want to hear from you. To get us through these challenging times, we are launching a competition to run for the next few months and we want to hear from you. Many of you […]

AGM postponed until later in the year

Notice to all ICA Members: AGM postponed until later in the year Dear members, In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, myself and the National Executive Board have taken the reluctant decision to postpone the AGM until later in the year. While we regret taking this action, our priority is the health and safety of our […]

Advisory recommendation to all ICA Federation and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

Advisory recommendation to all Federation and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

Advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

COVID 19 contingency plan

National Level Meetings/Events (NEB/NAC/Committees/AGM/ Events) To continue as planned unless situation changes Offer Teleconference Facilities to reluctant members Don’t attend large events organised by others Follow current Health Advisory Updates Display Covid-19 Health Information Guidance on ICA Website   Federation Level Events Draw members and attendees attention to current Health Advisory Guidance Make their own […]


Congratulations to the 6 Finalists in the Creative Writing Competition 2020 who are as follows in no particular order: Susannah Braswell Wicklow Town Guild Wicklow Federation Kay Smyth Lanesboro Guild Longford Federation Marie Smyth Dollymount Guild Dublin Federation Esther Feeney Barna Guild Galway Federation Kathleen Leahy Mainistir na Féile Guild Limerick Federation Mary Skehill Abbeyknockmoy […]