Advisory recommendation to all ICA Federation and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

Advisory recommendation to all Federation and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

Advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations and Guilds

 Issued to all Federation Presidents on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.40pm Advisory Recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds from the National Executive Board during Coronavirus epidemic Dear Federation Presidents and ICA Members, It is with regret that the National Executive Board issues this advisory recommendation to all ICA Federations & Guilds. Due to […]

COVID 19 contingency plan

National Level Meetings/Events (NEB/NAC/Committees/AGM/ Events) To continue as planned unless situation changes Offer Teleconference Facilities to reluctant members Don’t attend large events organised by others Follow current Health Advisory Updates Display Covid-19 Health Information Guidance on ICA Website   Federation Level Events Draw members and attendees attention to current Health Advisory Guidance Make their own […]


Congratulations to the 6 Finalists in the Creative Writing Competition 2020 who are as follows in no particular order: Susannah Braswell Wicklow Town Guild Wicklow Federation Kay Smyth Lanesboro Guild Longford Federation Marie Smyth Dollymount Guild Dublin Federation Esther Feeney Barna Guild Galway Federation Kathleen Leahy Mainistir na Féile Guild Limerick Federation Mary Skehill Abbeyknockmoy […]

Craft Taster Class: Shadow Embroidery 24th February

The next taster craft class will take place in Central Office on Monday 24th of February at 11am. It is Shadow Embroidery and the tutor is Bronwyn Murray. If you would like to book a place please call Anna Sinnott in Central Office on 01 6680002. The class costs €10 euro and the kit will […]

Tea Dance in Mallow moved to 26th September

The ICA is celebrating its 110th anniversary this year. One of the highlights in the varied programme of events taking place over the year is the Regional Tea Dance in Mallow. Ena Howell Regional President is hosting the Tea Dance on Saturday 26th September in the Hibernian Hotel Mallow to celebrate this impressive anniversary. All […]

Irish Sugarcraft Show 2020

In association with the Irish Sugarcraft Show, we have a new baking competition in this year’s show. There are six categories, one category is closed (only for ICA members) and the other five are open to all. Each baking category will be judged by ICA judges.  Judging in the Baking Section will take place on […]

Wicklow Drama Festival 2020

Please see link below to the full programme of Wicklow Federation’s 65th One Act Drama Festival taking place on Wednesday 22nd, Friday 24th, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of January 2020 in Glenealy Village Hall Wicklow. The curtain goes up at 7:30 pm sharp. Wi