Kitchen Power public programme

History of the ICA3-4pm, Saturday, September 28, 2019 Join this talk with Kay Devine to hear about the history of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association; their role in advocating access to electricity and safe water across Ireland; and how they continue to promote and inspire today. Suitable for adults and children aged 14 years plus. Admission […]

Best in Show Competition

Best in Show Competition will be running over the weekend 7th – 8th September. This includes homemade brown bread, seasonal preserve, most nutritious home-grown vegetable & most original fairy bun. The competition will be judged by our award winning pastry chef, Shane Smith. The Festival and competition are both free to enter.

Environmentally friendly and sustainable beeswax wraps

The ladies in Kilanerin Guild in Wexford Federation have made a brilliant video about their mission for the year which is promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable beeswax wraps. They have been super ambassadors for this. They have demonstrated at Sustanability events in Wexford, come by invitation to our (Wicklow) Federation demonstration afternoon to show us […]

Aldi Brown Bread Competition 2019

Tuesday Sept 17th Name County ALDI No.1 ALDI No.3 Anne Downey Offaly Joan Byrne Tipperary North Wednesday Sept 18th Name County ALDI No.2 ALDI No.4 Catherine O’Driscoll Cork Helen Cunningham Kilkenny

Vote of Thanks for Outgoing Chair of NAC

At the NAC meeting held on 6th July, the National President Josephine Helly thanked Michelle Early for her great work in chairing the NAC, noting particularly the important work she did on the Child Protection and GDPR policies. A vote of thanks for Michelle was passed, followed by a round of applause. The National President […]

Big Picture TV documentary

A pre-production for a Big Picture TV documentary on climate change will be taking place in the near future. Philip Boucher Hayes is the reporter and he is looking for Irish Farming families who are in dry stock – circa 75 hectares and who would be willing to have a chat with him about the […]

For the attention of the ICA Members – Beef Plan Movement

” I write to you during this time of huge concern for Irish farmers and indeed our economy.  The Mercosur trade deal in it’s current form is undoubtedly detrimental for Ireland.  In particular for our beef farmers, who have borne the brunt of low pricing and poor margins for some time now.   We have to […]

ICA Meeting with the minister Regina Doherty

The National President, Josephine Helly and the PRO, Carmel Dawson will meet the Minister for Employment affairs and Social Protection, who has invited ICA to make a submission for the PRE Budget 2020 forum. Our submission will be in conjunction with the following organizations: Age action Ireland  Active Retirement National Women’s Council  And our own […]