Monaghan Federation

Although ICA is 108 years old many myths remain around being a member. Many people believe you need to be good at or interested in crafts, or that you need to be invited or recommended by an existing member, or in a certain age category, or come from farming background, all untrue.

  • Who can become a member of ICA? All women over the age of sixteen years.
  • Must I join an existing Guild? No. if there are a minimum of twelve women interested in coming together in friendship to enjoy social and recreational activities and improve their wellbeing they can form a new Guild.
  • Is there a fee? Yes the annual membership fee is €50.
  • What do I get for my money? You become part of the largest women’s organisation in the country with a constitution and a vote in all decision making. You are covered by insurance from you leave home until you return home when attending ICA meetings and functions and the venue where you hold your meetings provided it is a public facility eg. community hall/centre is also covered by insurance.

You have the support of your Federation committee and county organiser, and here in Monaghan we have a list of speakers and demonstrators available to attend monthly meeting covering a wide and varied range of topics.

Most importantly ICA now has members benefits with a wide range of service providers and outlets for example Kilkenny Design outlets, Mc Elhinney’s Athboy,Mc Elhinneys Ballybofey, Hickeys Fabrics, Shaws nationwide, Paco and a host of other outlets where on production of your membership card you will automatically receive from 10% to 20% off your purchases. This could equate to savings in excess of €200 per year.

If you are interested in setting up a Guild in your area you can contact our Federation President.