Roscommon Federation

The County starting with the establishment of Kilmore Guild in 1948. The spread was rapid after that but more or less confined to the north of Roscommon till the 1952 when they first founded the Roscommon Federation E.M. O’Leary as the first president.

These Guilds, like many others in rural areas of Ireland, disbanded for various reasons but immigration and relocation of people to the cities for work purposes were the main reasons.

All our members would love to see some of these re-open and if you live in one of these areas get in touch. On a practical level it makes more sense if there are twelve of you within reasonable distance who could get together to form a new Guild and you will get all the assistance we can give you. Your welcome will be warm and heartfelt in all of our present Guilds if you want to come along and observe a meeting once or twice just to get the feel of things.

The Guilds are all very active and have their own histories and cover many varied interests from the Arts to the day to day interests of all of us.