Elections 2024 Update

The Nomination papers were opened by the Procedures Committee on Tuesday 30th January 2024. The National President was in attendance.

The results were as follows:

National President 2024-2027:                Mary D’Arcy Ballyfad Guild, Wexford Federation was the only nominee for the role of National President and is deemed elected.

National Secretary 2024-2027:                  June Lawless Shankill Guild, Dublin Federation was the only nominee for the role of National Secretary and is deemed elected.

National Treasurer 2024-2027:                   Mairead Phelan Ballyconnell Guild, Carlow Federation was the only nominee for the role of National Treasurer and is deemed elected.

North West Regional President 2024-2027:    Maura McGuinness Castlebar Guild, Mayo Federation was the only nominee for the role of North West Regional President and is deemed elected.

South East Regional President 2024-2027:      Liz Dermody Ballyouskill Guild, Kilkenny Federation was the only nominee for the role of South East Regional President and is deemed elected.

North East Regional President2024-2027:        Catherine O’Dowd Monaghan Town Guild, of Monaghan Federation was the only nominee for the role of North East Regional President and is deemed elected.

South West Regional President 2024-2027:      2 nominations were received for the role of South West Regional President. These were for Ena Howell, Grenagh Guild, Cork Federation and Mary O’Halloran, Clooney Quin Guild, Clare Federation.

An election will follow with ballot papers and biographical details to be issued shortly for each candidate.